19 september 2011

scrappy scarf

Sometimes I simply cannot resist the beautiful fabric combinations of a jelly roll.  Then, I do rarely quilt as I find quilting projects simply too big - although the end result can be impressive, I find it hard to stay focused.  So.  I have these beautiful jelly rolls sitting in my sewing room unused.  Then a couple of days ago, I decided to do something totally different with them.

I pulled out the ones I liked the most which were all beautiful pink colors, and added pink silk remnants from my wedding gown.  Although all pink or pink-ish, I tried to make the mix sophisticated, not girlie, as I was aiming to make an adults scarf.  Half a day of sewing/ironing/topstitching and embroidery further, here is the result.  This was a fun and rewarding project to do, it was quick and a great way to do something with even the smallest remnants! Note to self: Must Make More Scarfs.  These Make Great Gifts.

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